Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Electronic waste better known as E-waste is growing very rapidly in today's world. As technology keeps improving and becoming more affordable people are buying newer and newer technology every single day. So where is all the old technology going? Its going to places around the world that do not have the power to say no. Countries like the United States are using there economic power to throw their garbage somewhere else. This garbage is highly toxic and when it is not handled properly it can poison water tables and soil. Also the workers who are being treated poorly are working in unsafe environments and are exposed to the toxins inside the products. This is not social justice. Just because some countries have enough money and power to ship their garbage to other places doesn't mean they should. Each country should be responsible for their own doings. If they choose to take their garbage to other places then they should also pay for the proper equipment and factories to safely handle their garbage. No one should have to suffer because more powerful countries are playing dumb. Regulations should be set in place to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. If a  country doesn't want to follow the rules then there should be consequences for them. No one should get a free pass.

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