Tuesday, October 2, 2012


Before FYS I had never heard of Joseph Kony. I am very surprised because it seems like a very popular topic. As i watched the video it really grabbed my attention. It was very interesting and well put together. I think that the idea of KONY2012 is an excellent idea. Making him a celebrity is the best way to bring him down. If every one in the world had an idea who he was, he would be stopped very quickly. What he does is wrong and he should be taken out. No children should have to face the fear of being abducted and forced to become a child soldier. Although this has nothing to do with the U.S and many other foreign countries, I believe that they should still get involved. Ending Konys reign would make the world a better place and would save thousands of children s life's. Taking him out would also show that people are not going to stand by idle and not care what criminals do.
Social media such as Facebook, Twitter and Youtube is the best way to contact people and spread the word. It was a genius idea for the KONY2012 team to create and post their video on Youtube. That one video was viewed by nearly 100 million people. That number is significantly more than if the Kony2012 team had went door to door and told people about Joseph Kony.

 The best way to keep spreading the word is to keep posting links of the Kony2012 video. If everyone at John Carroll received the link it could create support. Then if all the students sent the video to another student at another University support could grow exponentially.

Kony 2012


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